I call this one "Ennui." I was just doodling, trying to get an idea out of my head that has been in there for about a year now (no success) and this came out. I was about to go ahead and scan/digitally color, but all of a sudden got seized by the desire to break out my magic markers for old time's sake. The not-so-new challenge was fun: having to pick just the right color and stay with it whether it ends up looking good or not, no erasing, and of course the horrendous texture you get when strokes overlap. Magic markers are the bane of any art school teacher's existence for just this reason, but I like to think of the overlapping ink quirk as adding texture. You can really feel the artist's presence in this picture, ha.
I am listening (and have been listening to) this horrible online radio station to get my insatiable Christmas carol fix. It really is god-awful though. I long for my mom's Time-Life Christmas Classics and the Muppet Christmas Carol and Raffi. Here I am subjected to just the worst butcherings of Christmas classics, complete with cheesy electric piano a la some unwatchable Nick Jr. show, as well as over-the-top religious anthems that belong in a soundtrack to some sort of horrible Judd Apatow holiday production. My other favorite is when the carols start as this quiet, pretty song and then segue into a horrible 80s rock version, like "just kidding! We're not really that lame, we're just not over the synthesizers of two decades ago yet!"
Anyway, enough of my unrelated ranting.