Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lizzie Fox-Top featured in Landenberg Today article!

So this article about my book/me came out on April 28.  I think I mentioned when she interviewed me back in January (I think?) I just was able to scan/upload it now.  So exciting! Nancy did a really great job.  I feel like a real artist now :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Talked at A Middle School

Did a talk/reading at Mannington School in New Jersey yesterday.  I basically bestowed my knowledge of writing/publishing/and a little illustration upon 50 6/7/8th-graders.  I think they liked it! They asked some questions, which is always good.  And I was kind of surprised at how I was able to talk without benefit of my extensive notes--just referencing my bare-bones powerpoint.  I was worried about making it relevant and interesting for them, which I think I at least achieved the latter.  It's hard to know what to talk about with that age--they appreciate my book but it's not the main focus so I have to think of other interesting things to tell them.  Fun though.  Hopefully I get to do this sort of thing more often!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I forgot to add the complimentary color!  Do we like it better now?

Oh, also, Drunken Boat has my logo at the top of their page.  I think it's been there awhile but I didn't check it out til now.  Yay!