Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Fun Project for Work!

I'm really looking forward to this event.  Partyin' with my kiddies!  And they're going to look so cute with their props and costumes!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ah, The Taste of Writing Again!

Sooo blog, I kind of forgot about you for awhile! Sorry about that! I have been studiously and obsessively re-drafting my latest story (the one that has been on the backburner since before Lizzie was written) for the past few days and I've finally gotten over the "hump"--which always seems to be the ending--and it's now in a place where I am REALLY EXCITED.  A delectable morsel to whet your palate if you wish:

    The next day, Princess Zooey and Muffy arrived at the field.
    BRR BRR BRR! played the trumpets. “Let the derby BEGIN!”
    Princess Zooey tore into the arena at full speed. Suddenly--RIP! A flat tire! 

    “Oh no!” Zooey thought as she sat in fear and watched first one car strike out, then another.
    Soon, it was down to just Zooey and the last car.  “What will I do? I can’t get any speed with this tire!” Zooey thought. Just then, she remembered what was so special about King Norbert’s Wienermobile...