Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Soon to be new website!

So I'm working on a new website! Like, totally starting from scratch new. I happen to be in close cahoots with someone who makes a living doing fancy online computer stuff, and who has offered to help me make a super high-tech-running site! I will still be doing all the design side though, and I really like how it's coming along. I will be using my first-ever custom designed font, which I originally made to avoid having to handwrite all the dialogue for a certain nameless, all-knowing entity in Lilith, but which I have come to see as my own personal font as well. I'm not sure what that says about how I feel about being an artist--am I the god of my work?

I'll let you know when the unveiling happens! It won't be for quite awhile though as we are in the barest beginning stages.

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