Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Self-Portraits and Dead Things

Here's an image I made to go on the postcard mailer for a self-portrait exhibition at a gallery in Oxford, PA this September. It's an obvious reference to Norman Rockwell's Triple Self-Portrait. I'm not a fan of Rockwell--in fact, I hate him (although this opinion was minorly challenged during a fantastic lecture in college about how he may have been the most subversive artist of his era!) but I've always thought this self-portrait is cool.


I am thinking about doing a piece or two for a Shoreline exhibition in Oxford as well. I have had a continuing interest in dead things and have always had a creeped-out fascination with dead things that wash up on the shore. To get a little inspiration, I googled "dead" / "weird washed up at shoreline" and got some interesting results. So many crazytown websites out there! One of my favorite quotes was from a blog, about a mysterious creature that washed up a few years ago in CT--

Bobbette Clapsadle was walking along the beach with her family when she made the gross discovery. Her daughter snapped pictures.

 Mainly I just love the name Bobbette Clapsadle (and that gross = immediately photographing). What are the odds that name is made up? A quick search uncovers that she may indeed be the only Bobbette Clapsadle in the US (nay, the world?), and that she's an emergency dispatcher in Groton, CT. Thanks for having an awesome name, Bobbette! And thanks for finding that cool unidentifiable creature on the shoreline that I can use for inspiration.

1 comment:

llhoffman said...

Okay, at least just say you hate his artwork--he might be a very nice man.