Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Medium, New Project

So I have been busy, believe it or not!  I am working on my next picture book, a fractured fairy tale of fiery independence...and a little bit of silliness of course.  I am going for a sort of different tone and writing style this time by trying to make it more modern and edgy.  I also plan to experiment more with non-digital media, which I've gotten away from since college (Micron pen aside). 

But that's not what the title of this post is about.  What it is about, see, is I've had it in my mind for years now to get into animation.  I haven't even tried the slightest bit of animation, not counting helping my college roommate with his dark, twisted stop-motion shorts in which my main contribution was moving scary toys around in our creepy basement, inch by inch (his movie turned out awesome though). 

My animation will be about 2 minutes in length, and I plan to use a medium that I haven't really seen used before but which will be fantastically low-tech (who has time for learning Flash? And who uses it nowadays anyway?) and I think a good foray into the medium just as a first excercise.  And yes, it will feature none other than Lizzie and Rennie, who have gotten many encore requests since their debut in Lizzie Fox-Top over a year ago.  Here's a little morsel of a sketch:

Please excuse the weird nose-wrinkle.  It's a sketch, after all.

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