Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your Questions, Anwered!

I recently got an email from a fellow children's book writer asking for advice on getting your book into bookstores and getting signings.  She wanted to know if emailing press kits was better, or what.  This is a daunting task (for me, anyway) that I have seen a lot of buzz online about.  Here's what I wrote:

I would suggest stopping by during the store's business hours (try to pick a quiet, non-crowded time of course) and bringing a couple copies with you.  I've found that press kits are better for magazines and newspapers, and the occasional big store that doesn't always have the owner on premises.  With the small indie ones, showing up in-person to answer questions and put a face to the name is, I think, always better.

I haven't done as many signings as I'd like, but the ones I have done resulted from the networking and relationships I've made.  That's why it's so important to not hide behind a computer.

Also, and I didn't write this in the response, but make sure to have price points already planned out, at least in your head.  Have a suggestion and a calculation ready for when they ask you what kind of buyer discount you will give them (30-40 percent off is typical).  Or be ready to have them take a commission for each one they sell.  Either way, getting into the stores is probably one of the best (and most satisfying) ways to get your title (and name) out there.

In other news, I am meeting with my publisher at Inner Light Books in San Franscisco on Labor Day!  I am going out there for a personal vacation, but of course am more than happy to make a professional-development detour! :D

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