Hello hello there! It's been awhile, I see. How unfortunate! But never to fear, just because I haven't posted all year does not mean I wasn't busy! First of all, I continued to update my webcomic
Lilith until May. I went on hiatus as I decided to re-organize how I'm going about that comic. I didn't think the story was flowing as well as I wanted from one comic to the next because I was working on them disjointedly. My new plan is to go about it like a book and write large chunks at a time, then work very far in advance so I can have a chance to go back and edit if need be. I have half of the next chapter written so keep an eye out for her return in the coming months.
I've been drawing a lot, but unfortunately for you, dear observers, most of it has been top secret! That is because it is all wedding-related (I got engaged in August!) and I'd rather not have my invitations, save-the-dates, etc. out there for all to see before I've even mailed them to my guests. I can tell you a bit about the invites though, because I'm very excited about them. They will be combining our two loose "themes," India and Philadelphia (the wedding will be Hindu, and we live in Philly). I have worked out a design with folk elements inspired from a colorful little dish my sister got me in Spain.
Ah! Speaking of faraway travels, my fiance and I ventured to the beautiful land of Peru last summer! Talk about inspiring. Not only was there delicious food, wonderful people, and spectacular scenery (the whole Inca Trail felt like a dream), there was fabulous art. I was especially fond of the textiles, of which I brought many home. Their rugs were beautiful. My favorite souvenir was a rug we picked up at an outdoor market, with intricate geometric designs much like this one:

I have such a love of textiles. They are hands down my favorite thing to collect when I travel. Maybe I'll learn weaving one day.
Speaking of learning new media, I started an introductory clay class this week at
The Clay Studio in Old City. So far I have the beginnings of a duck sculpture (our first assignment). It was fun because even though the instructor had us working step-by-step (the class includes all levels of artists and non-artists) everyone's ducks looked completely different. Mine was short and round and fairly silly. Pics will follow next week.
Well I guess we are all caught up! I'm hoping to update more regularly this year as a new year's resolution.