It's hard for me considering I spent 2 years getting my first picture book just right. To make a comic, and then that same night release it into the world is like putting my sketchbook--which for me is like putting my most vulnerable part of myself, my talent--out in a fairly rudimentary, unedited form. I have planned ahead for the first fifty comics or so, but we are already at 28 and I am looking back thinking, "Oh I wish I'd done this or that differently." Well, too late! It's now set in stone--I mean, cyberspace, where anything can and will happen.
Let's hope it's good.
Lilith, A Webcomic
Lilith on facebook
Although Lilith and The Big Something come from the same dust-cloud, they seem to have inherited completely opposite qualities. For one, The Big Something is an omniscient, yet non-physical being. Lilith is a little girl. Grounded in logic, The Big Something has all the answers. But Lilith has all the power of the magic of the universe. The Big Something has a plan: it wants to use Lilith as a tool to build a new universe, intricately planned and governed by reason and logic. Lilith wants to let her imagination run wild in what she views as a blank canvas for her own subconscious creations. They are often at odds. With her friend Samael beside her, Lilith finds new ways to harness the universe's power with results that are sometimes beautiful, humorous, and terrifying.