Monday, November 18, 2013

El Monstruo!

Well here I am again after a long hiatus of posting! I haven't stopped drawing however, and several freelance projects have been flowing in which is always nice. Above is an illustration for a developing Spanish curriculum for elementary schoolers. 

This was fun because I made it entirely in photoshop using my sexy new Windows Surface tablet. Its pressure-sensitive screen is like drawing on paper once I got used to it. Best of all, I can finally eliminate the evil SCANNER! I foresee much less frustrated productivity in my future....

In other news I have returned to life as a student again. I am working towards a Master's in Art Therapy at Drexel University. Even though it's probably one of the most challenging adventures I've even embarked upon, I am loving it. It's an amazing experience watching people find a healing process through making art. Hopefully I have found my calling.

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